Coronavirus COVID-19 Phase-2 (Stories from the field | Community initiatives)

Stories from the field | Community initiatives (COVID-19) Phase-2      Case Studies →

A van was arranged to transport pregnant women to and from vaccination centres and helped more than 500 pregnant women get immunised

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Enabling accessibility and availability of vaccines: vans reached remote places where there was lack of infrastructure for immunisation and were difficult to reach. Diabetic individuals, pregnant or lactating mothers and people with ailments were examined before vaccination and their vitals were normal to prevent any untimely mishap

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Disaster management of the COVID pandemic: short term relief plan for supporting the rural poor and marginalized in MP and Chhattisgarh


Delivering the message in the local tongue was far more effective. In Durgkondal, CG, awareness campaigns were carried out with the help of tribal performing arts. Songs, dances and plays (kala Jatha) relayed the importance of being completely vaccinated

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Samarthan Team conducted a survey on the spread of COVID in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in India. COVID infected people and deaths during the period of 15 March 2020  to 31 April 2021 were captured. Finding of the study to provide assessment of impact in rural areas.

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Helping Hands-Series-2 : Functional Community Covid Care Centre(C4) in Gram Panchayats of Chhattisgarh

Samarthan Volunteer at PHC for COVID testing and Counselling

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Helping Hands- Series -1 Mahatma Gandhi quoted-“India’s soul lives in its villages”.Our team is battle-hardened by a year of COVID support; since April, has been supporting village administrations in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in tasks like monitoring,spreading awareness to provide relief services.

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Helping Hands: Series -3 : Concerned Citizens Demonstrate a Model of Block Level Covid Care Centre

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