About Us

Welcome To Samarthan-Centre for Development Support

Samarthan-Centre for Development Support is a leading non-profit organisation working in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh since 1995. We believe that good governance is foundation for sustained and equitable development and effective participation by all stakeholders, especially the marginalised, socially excluded and disadvantaged groups, is necessary for promoting good governance. Samarthan strives to address the challenges of poverty and underdevelopment through strengthening the grassroots civil society groups.

Our Vision

Every citizen contributes meaningfully in shaping Welfare State of India and enjoys benefits based on the principles of equality and equity.

Our Mission

Promote and support participatory development processes by strengthening capacities of local institutions, generating best practises at the grassroots and widely sharing knowledge for sustainable development.

Board of Trustees

Samarthan-Centre for Development Support is a leading non-profit organisation working in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh since 1995. We believe that good governance is foundation for sustained and equitable development and effective participation by all stakeholders, especially the marginalised, socially excluded and disadvantaged groups, is necessary for promoting good governance. Samarthan strives to address the challenges of poverty and underdevelopment through strengthening the grassroots civil society groups.

Our Journey

Samarthan completed 25 years of existence dedicated for promoting participatory development and governance. The journey has been quite rich so far with various moments of joys, achievements and disappointments.

Initially, Samarthan worked to build small and medium sized voluntary organisations to function as ‘vison and mission’ driven organisation. Effective management as non-profit organisations to maximise impact was one of the most critical capacity building focus as a support organisation. It helped build a large informal network of grassroots level voluntary organisations in undivided Madhya Pradesh.

The time of Samarthan’s inception coincided with the emergence of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies as institutions of local governance through constitutional amendments.

Awards & Recognition

We believe that good governance is foundation for sustained and equitable development and effective participation by all stakeholders, especially the marginalised, socially excluded and disadvantaged groups, is necessary for promoting good governance. Samarthan strives to address the challenges of poverty and underdevelopment through strengthening the grassroots civil society groups.