Profile - Dr. Yogesh Kumar

Profile Dr. Yogesh Kumar

Dr. Yogesh Kumar completed his Ph.D. from the Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow as an ICSSR Doctoral Fellow in Development Economics in 1990. Dr. Kumar is the founder member and Executive Director of “Samarthan – Centre for Development Support” working in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh. He has an experience of more than 25 years in the development sector and is a professional of international repute on the issue of participatory governance and development.
Dr. Kumar has active engagement in local governance, accountability and transparency discourses with expertise in participatory planning, social audits, citizens report card, community score cards etc. He facilitated emergence of a network of elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Madhya Pradesh.
In initial years, he worked to strengthen capacities and institutional mechanisms of voluntary development organisations by designing and conducting trainings on various themes viz. development management, organisational development and participatory training methodologies. His training of trainers in participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation and process documentation have been widely recognised. Dr Kumar facilitated promotion of various networks of CSOs including a national campaign of CSOs on MDGs known as Wada Na Todo Abhiyan.


In initial years, he worked to strengthen capacities and institutional mechanisms of voluntary development organisations by designing and conducting trainings on various themes viz. development management, organisational development and participatory training methodologies. His training of trainers in participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation and process documentation have been widely recognised. Dr Kumar facilitated promotion of various networks of CSOs including a national campaign of CSOs on MDGs known as Wada Na Todo Abhiyan.

Key Publications

In initial years, he worked to strengthen capacities and institutional mechanisms of voluntary development organisations by designing and conducting trainings on various themes viz. development management, organisational development and participatory training methodologies. His training of trainers in participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation and process documentation have been widely recognised. Dr Kumar facilitated promotion of various networks of CSOs including a national campaign of CSOs on MDGs known as Wada Na Todo Abhiyan.
Published a joint paper with Dr D.C. Sah “Transparency, Disclosure and Governance: MGNREGS and Social Audits in Madhya Pradesh”, Published in edited book Transparency Disclosure and Governance, edited by AK Singh, NS Ravi ad OP Pandey, Published by Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2015
Published a joint paper with Dr Shyam Singh “Social Security: A Situational Analysis of Social Pensions in Madhya Pradesh”, in Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. LXI, No. 4, Oct-Dec, 2015.
Published paper “Transparency, Disclosers and Governance: NREGA and Social Audits in Madhya Pradesh” jointly with Dr. D.C. Sah in Journal of Land and Rural Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1, Sage Publications, January, 2015
Published paper “MDGs and Post-2015 Development Agenda: Prospects for Indian Civil Society” jointly with Dr. Shyam Singh in Social Change, published by Sage Publications, The online version of this article can be found at:, June 2014
Published paper “Rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers: A Case Study in Bhopal” jointly with Dr. Shyam Singh in Social Change , published by Sage Publications, The online version of this article can be found at, November 2014
Research article published on “Client Satisfaction Exit Interviews: Assessing Quality of Public Health Institutions through Generated Feedback”, jointly with Dr. DC Sah, in VIKALPA, The Journal for Decision Makers (IIM, Ahmedabad), Sage publications, January-March 2015
Paper published “Linking Separate Worlds: Understanding the Process of Rural-Urban Seasonal Migration in India” jointly with Ms. Anamika Ajay, published in Urban India, National Institute of Urban Affairs, Volume XXXIV, January –June 2014
Published Paper “Promoting Sanitation through Decentralised Governance System: Case study of Raju Khedi Panchayat in India” jointly with S. Kumar in Edited book ‘Beyond Construction-Use by all’ jointly published by IRC, Netherlands, Wateraid and WSSCC, March 2008.
Community Initiatives in Water in a Decentralised Governance System of Madhya Pradesh in edited book entitled “Managing Water Resources: Policies, Institutions, and Technologies”, published by the Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2006.
Grassroots Democracy in India; a chapter contributed in ‘Social Watch India, Citizens Report on Governance and Development, 2003 published by CYSD, Bhuvaneshwar and NCAS, Pune. Work as a Co-editor of the Social Watch India, Citizen Reports, the report was published by Sage Publications,2007.
Decentralisation in Madhya Pradesh, India: from Panchayati Raj to Gram Swaraj (1995 to 2001) jointly with Amitabh Behar. ODI Working Paper-170, Overseas Development Institutes, UK, published in 2002. Stakeholders Analysis: The Women's and Children's Health Project in India, Technical Report No.13, Partnership for Health Reforms (PHR), USA, 1997.
Building on the Panchayat: Using Jal Samitis in Uttar Pradesh, in the book ‘Indigenous Organisations and Development’, Edited by Peter Blunt and D. Michael Warren, Intermediate Technology Publications, UK,1996.