Samarthan's Response To Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Our Strategy

The country has faced an unprecedented disaster in form of COVID-19 (corona virus) threat for the society and economy of the country. The initial Janta curfew was imposed on the 22nd March, 2020 across the country and later on the 24th March mid-night, it was announced by the Prime Minister to completely lock down the country for 21 days. As a result, public transport viz. railways, buses, taxis etc. have come to a halt. The citizens are expected to come out of their houses only for essential requirements viz. purchase of glossary, vegetables, visits to hospitals or other emergencies. The lockdown has brought the country to a sudden halt, therefore various abnormal conditions have erupted in rural and urban areas.

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Major Highlights / Summary

8441 households were reached out directly by providing essential food item kits (including food grain, wheat flour, soya chunks, detergent powder, soap cooking oil, sugar, salt, biscuits & dry ration for children etc.
Supported to 12293 households with additional community contribution of essential items amounting rupees 66,51,000 /-
The intervention has reached the poorest of the poor households of 1174 villages in 788 panchayats of 21 districts in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
No one in the target locations left behind to stay hungry and in scarcity of essential items amid Covid 19 lockdown.
Motivated and ignited the community support system and accountability towards the needy population in the villages which can be seen through the additional community support to 12293 households.
Gram Panchayats and PRIs got activated to plan and spend resources to respond to the specific needs of the community during lockdown.
Establishment of sustainable community based and community led food management system and grain banks during crisis.
Promotion of kitchen gardens through seed support and motivation for home grown green and nutritious vegetables for the children and women.
And finally played catalytic role in providing essential food items support to the total number of 20734 households with a limited resources during the crisis.

Madhya Pradesh (COVID-19)

Chhattisgarh (COVID-19)

Samarthan's Resource Materials On (COVID-19)
  • Health Advisory for Elderly Population of India during COVID-19
  • Webinar Series on Obstetric Care during COVID-19
  • Indian Railways green lights re-opening of reservation counters & booking through Common Service Centers (CSCs) and Agents
  • Guidelines for air passengers after recommencing of air travel from 25th May, 2020
  • Immunization Services during and post COVID-19 Outbreak
  • Central Guidelines
  • COVID-19 Orders Guidelines (2)
  • Letter from Education Dept for School Closing
  • Letter for SDRF Govt of India
  • Press Note Central
  • धारा 144 (COVID-19)
  • Cancelation of Rail Services Raiway Board (GOI)
  • Chief Secys of States MHA Letter reg consolidated guidelines and migrant labourers
  • Central Government Announcement for Covid-19 Relief Measures
  • प्रवासी नागरिक (Migrant Resident) पंजीयन / ePass (इ-पास) हेतु
  • प्रदेश के फंसे मजदूरो को अन्य प्रदेश से लाने की व्यवस्था हेतु
  • मध्य प्रदेश के या मध्य प्रदेश के बहार फंसे लोगो के अवागमन हेतु ई पास की सुविधा
  • मध्य प्रदेश शासन द्वारा दी जा रही ई पास सुविधा
  • राज्य_कोरोना_कम्युनिकेशन_प्लान_2020
  • Letter From State ICDS for AWC Closing
  • Letter from Ujjain Collector (MP)
  • Letter for Migration CEO Panna (MP)
  • Letter for Nodel Person MP (1)
  • Letter for Nodel Person MP (2)
  • MP Health Advisory
  • Letter form Health Dept for Food Arrangement in Hospitals
  • पंचायत राज संचालनालय एम.पी.
  • छत्तीसगढ़ वापिस आने वाले व्यक्तियों/श्रमिकों के संबंध में कार्यवाही हेतु दिशा निर्देश
  • नोवेल कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण नियंत्रण हेतु 31 मई 2020 तक घोषित लॉकडाउन को प्रभावी रूप से लागू करने बाबत्
  • नोवेल कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण नियंत्रण हेतु लॉकडाउन के संबंध मे दिशा-निर्देश
  • Format for CSO Nomination (CG)
  • Letter for CSOs Raipur Collector
  • Letter Form State Urban Development Raipur
  • Letter for Voluntry Work Raipur Collector (CG)
  • Letter for Nodel Person Rajnadgaon (CG)
  • Letter From Raipur Collector for Area Closing
  • State-wise Helpline Number (COVID-19)
  • MP District Helpline Number (COVID-19)
  • CG District Helpline Number (COVID-19)
  • COVID-19 Pandemic Cases
  • COVID related relief measures order- INDIA- tracker
  • Corona List Circulars / Letters (CG)
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