Story of Change

Poor farmers purchase Agriculture implements with 75% subsidy

The scheme for agriculture benefits focussing subsidy on purchase of agriculture implements gives 75% subsidy to most marginalised Dalit community for purchase of irrigation pipes and sprinkler sets. . However, the scheme rarely reach the poorest and Dalits as they are neither aware of nor have any support to make on-line application for the same. The scheme benefits are disbursed on ‘online applications’ on ‘first come first served basis’ , and usually netted by rich farmers. However oracle information volunteer ‘Santosh’ oriented the small and marginal farmers of village Bapcha on these agriculture scheme. He also facilitated in making online application after uploading all the necessary documentary evidences. Consequently,’dfgh’ purchased a pipe while ‘rtyui’ purchased a sprinkler set for Rs. 5000/- each. They both got a subsidy of Rs. 25000 Each. Both have saved not only on the purchase of implements but also on their productivity and profits increased manifold due to savings on irrigation.