Story of Change

Rejected FTOs worth 55 lakhs resolved, restored and payment disbursed in Bagli

Bagli is block in Dewas district. The Social audit campaign was conducted in August 2016. It was reported at the level of Gram Sabha that payments for wages as well material was pending. It was taken up with the district administration. The Project Officer of the DISTRICT Archana was contacted and she confirmed that that the financial transaction orders ( FTO) worth Rs. 55 lakh were rejected and the district system operator accounts this rejection to some technical snag in the system/MIS. The Samarthan team tried to probe and resolve the issue locally with the district team, banks and district NREGS cell. However when the issue was not resolved locally, it was taken up with the NREGS commissioner as well as NREGS CELL-MIS division AT THE State. The social audit society was also pushed to highlight the issue. Later a video conferencing was undertaken by the secretary Rural Development on expediting the resolution of FTO rejection. The continuous follow up at the district and state resulted into serious follow up on rejected FTOs. Significantly it was found that several transactions were withheld initially as there was no money in the state NREGS account. However when the funds were disbursed it was late for processing the transaction request. It was found that several of the payments were rejected as the payment accounts were linked to ‘Adhar Id’, a condition currently prescribed by the state government , while several lakhs were rejected as the banks had put an incorrect IFC code on the transaction. The follow up resulted into resolution of the rejected payments. Currently the rejected balance in the block has reduced 5 lakh from the 55 lakh at the time of Social audit.